Conference programme


5 October 2023 - Thursday
8:30- Registration
10:00 Conference opening
Opening: G. Stépán
Conference information: É. Arató and Cs. Horváth
10:20-11:15 Opening lecture (Chair: T. Kimpián)
Prof. Fülöp Augusztinovicz (BME)
Past, present and future of NVH in Hungary – Memories and views of an acoustical bison
11:15-12:10 Plenary lecture 1 (Chair: Z. Gazdagh)
Steven Dom (Siemens)
Establishing the dream of zero physical vehicle prototypes – Inspiring approaches for virtual NVH prediction
12:10-13:30 Lunch break
Porous material identification and modeling
Chairs: É. Arató
Conference Room 3 (Békésy)
TPA and blocked force methods
Chairs: S. Dom
Conference Room 4 (Tarnóczy)
13:30 A. Schweighardt
The effect of the preload determination process on dynamic mechanical properties NVHH2023-0033
Á. Bartus
Case study of blocked force synthesis using free velocity method NVHH2023-0008
13:50 G. Firtha
A measurement method for the estimation of the absorption characteristics of finite-sized porous absorbers NVHH2023-0021
F. Deblauwe
Listening to the road noise of a virtual car based upon component TPA NVHH2023-0036
14:10 Cs. Huszty
Symplectic time-domain finite element method (STD-FEM) extended with wave propagation in porous materials for automotive interior acoustic modeling NVHH2023-0013
Cs. Balogh
An examination of component-based TPA performance and feasibility for steering motors NVHH2023-0006
14:30 D. Feszty
Simulation methodology development for the improved prediction of mid-frequency structure-borne noise of vehicles NVHH2023-0050
F. Deblauwe
High frequency source characterization of an e-motor using component-based TPA NVHH2023-0037
14:50-15:20 Coffee break & exhibition
Applied simulation and validation
Chairs: T. Kimpián
Conference Room 3 (Békésy)
Nonlinear vibration
Chairs: Z. Dombovári
Conference Room 4 (Tarnóczy)
15:20 Á. Szabó, B. Dobrovics
Challenges in the numerical vibration analysis of power electric units NVHH2023-0020
R. Tóth
Chatter identification in hardware-in-the-loop emulated milling processesNVHH2023-0038
15:40 S. Varga
Advanced NVH optimized digital twin for electric drive unit NVHH2023-0019
G. Habib
Model-free fold bifurcation prediction method tested on the wheel shimmy experiment NVHH2023-0009
16:00 A. Szokoly
Virtuality and reality step by step validation of NVH attributes of a trimmed body NVHH2023-0015
F. Kádár
Time delay model of pressure relief valve and its environment NVHH2023-0041
16:20 P. Á. Gajdátsy
Simulation and measurement of vehicle interior acoustic transfer functions for predicting audio system performance NVHH2023-0018
Á. Horváth
Analysis of time-delay-induced oscillations in wheel-slip control NVHH2023-0034
16:40-17:10 Coffee break & exhibition
17:10 Á. Forberger
Accelerating BAYZ radial speaker-BRS design with simulation app NVHH2023-0035
Z. Gábos
Nonlinear vibrations in engineering applications: guideline for recognizing and characterizing nonlinear behaviour through conventional testing methods NVHH2023-0048
17:30 M. Trachsel
Elevator Ride Quality: Modelling to understand and predict NVHH2023-0043
Á. Kiss
Strategies for adaptive cruise control to avoid unsafe scenarios oscillations in case of dnamic enviroment and imput delay NVHH2023-0048
17:50-19:00 Break
19:00-22:00 Dinner in renaissance restaurant
22:00- Conference reception
6 October 2023 - Friday
09:00-09:55 Plenary lecture 2 (Chair: T. Kimpián)
Bert Pluymers (KU Leuven)
Locally resonant vibro-acoustic metamaterials as innovative lightweight NVH solution
09:55-10:50 Plenary lecture 3 (Chair: Cs. Horváth)
Prof. Manfred Kaltenbacher (TU Graz)
Aeroacoustics of confined flows and the radiation to the surroundings
10:50-11:20 Coffee break & exhibition
Aeroacoustics and flow noise
Chairs: M. Kaltenbacher
Conference Room 3 (Békésy)
Vehicle and drivetrain NVH
Chairs: B. Vehovszky
Conference Room 4 (Tarnóczy)
11:20 P. T. Nagy
Aeroacoustic tonal noise: Theoretical and practical approaches for flow and sound analysis NVHH2023-0029
D. Ács
Exploring the impact of RPM related excitation on transfer function distortion in E-Drive systems NVHH2023-0022
11:40 M. Balogh
Reduction of noise generated by vortex shedding in open photoacoustic cells NVHH2023-0025
A. Fürjes
Acoustic engineer would buy a new car: could you please provide more data? NVHH2023-0022
12:00 Sz. Sóvágó
Air noise damper outflow grid development NVHH2023-0042
Z. Gazdagh, B. Fukker
Advancements in NVH: Innovations shaping the future of quieter and smoother mobility experiences NVHH2023-0028
12:20 J. Vad
Noise and vibration data utilized in condition monitoring of air-handling machinery and equipment NVHH2023-0049
J. Erdélyi
Enhancing the generalisation capability of machine learning model used for sound comparisons NVHH2023-0016
12:40 Cs. Horváth
Toward the development of a beamforming method for centrifugal turbomachinery investigations NVHH2023-0023
M. Farkas
Prediction of subjective sound comparison results with machine learning NVHH2023-0010
13:00-14:30 Lunch break
Measurement and instrumentation methods
Chair: Z. Gazdagh
Conference Room 3 (Békésy)
Noise and vibration of electrical machines
Chair: B. Fukker
Conference Room 4 (Tarnóczy)
14:30 Zs. Gaszner
Methodology and realization of indoor pass-by noise measurement for passenger cars NVHH2023-0031
Sz. Gungl
Efficient NVH analysis of electric motors by means of 2D spectral decomposition of airgap forces NVHH2023-0014
14:50 G. Tóth
Measurement device integration to NVH test NVHH2023-0011
L. Magyar and A. Kiss
Robustness Analysis Device built for acoustic investigation of rotor-stator misalignment NVHH2023-0017
15:10 B. Magyar
High-frequency broaching force sensor development with enhanced compact stiff sensor body design NVHH2023-0053
V. Szabó
Comparative analysis of stiffness measurement methods for lamination stacks in electric machines NVHH2023-0030
15:30 T. Varga
Challenges in NVH of front windscreen wiper systems of passenger vehicles NVHH2023-0012
T. Kimpián
Complex analytical transducer model of a permanent magnet synchronous motor for vibroacoustic applications NVHH2023-007
15:50-16:10 Coffee break & exhibition
16:10-16:30 Closing ceremony
Best scientific, industrial, and student contribution awards

16:40-18:00 Panel discussion on noise and vibration education in Hungarian higher education
Moderator: Cs. Horváth
NVHH 2025 Conference - banner S
